
I am an assistant professor jointly in the DSA and IoT Thrust of the Information Hub at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I am interested in Trustworthy Machine Learning, with a spesific focus on the security, privacy, and safety aspects. Previously, I obtained my Ph.D at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Saarland University advised by Dr. Yang Zhang in 2023. I received my bachelor (2017) and master (2020) degrees from Fudan University, advised by Prof. Yang Chen.

Job Openings

I am looking for self-motivated PhD students (25 Fall) and research assistant to join my research group. Please drop me an email if you are interested in working with me!

Recent News

  • [5/2024] One paper titled “MGTBench: Benchmarking Machine-Generated Text Detection” got accepted in CCS 2024!
  • [2/2024] I’ll join the PC of ACSAC 2024!
  • [2/2024] I joined HKUST(GZ) as an assistant professor!
  • [9/2023] One paper titled “SecurityNet: Assessing Machine Learning Vulnerabilities on Public Models” got accepted in USENIX Security 2024!
  • [8/2023] I have successfully passed my Ph.D. defense!
  • [7/2023] One paper titled “You Only Prompt Once: On the Capabilities of Prompt Learning on Large Language Models to Tackle Toxic Content” got accepted in Oakland 2024!
  • [7/2023] One paper titled “Test-Time Poisoning Attacks Against Test-Time Adaptation Models” got accepted in Oakland 2024!
  • [5/2023] One paper titled “Unsafe Diffusion: On the Generation of Unsafe Images and Hateful Memes From Text-To-Image Models” got accepted in CCS 2023!
  • [4/2023] One paper titled “Data Poisoning Attacks Against Multimodal Encoders” got accepted in ICML 2023!
  • [4/2023] One paper titled “Generated Graph Detection” got accepted in ICML 2023!
  • [3/2023] I will join the TPC of Oakland 2024!
  • [3/2023] We released MGTBench, a benchmark for the current machine-generated text (by ChatGPT) detection methods.
  • [2/2023] One paper titled “Can’t Steal? Cont-Steal! Contrastive Stealing Attacks Against Image Encoders” got accepted in CVPR 2023!
  • [2/2023] One paper titled “A Plot is Worth a Thousand Words: Model Information Stealing Attacks via Scientific Plots” got accepted in USENIX Security 2023!
  • [11/2022] One paper titled “On the Evolution of (Hateful) Memes by Means of Multimodal Contrastive Learning” got accepted in Oakland 2023!
  • [7/2022] One paper titled “Semi-Leak: Membership Inference Attacks Against Semi-supervised Learning” got accepted in ECCV 2022!
  • [4/2022] One paper titled “SSLGuard: A Watermarking Scheme for Self-supervised Learning Pre-trained Encoders” got accepted in CCS 2022!
  • [4/2022] One paper titled “Auditing Membership Leakages of Multi-Exit Networks” got accepted in CCS 2022!
  • [3/2022] One paper titled “On Xing Tian and the Perseverance of Anti-China Sentiment Online” got accepted in ICWSM 2022!
  • [3/2022] I Got The Norton Labs Graduate Fellowship (2022)!
  • [12/2021] One paper titled “Model Stealing Attacks Against Inductive Graph Neural Networks” got accepted in Oakland 2022!
  • [9/2021] One paper titled “ML-Doctor: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models” got accepted in USENIX Security 2022!
  • [9/2021] One paper titled “Quantifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks of Contrastive Learning” got accepted in CCS 2021!
  • [5/2021] One paper titled “Trimming Mobile Applications for Bandwidth-Challenged Networks in Developing Regions” get accepted in TMC!
  • [1/2021] One paper titled “DatingSec: Detecting Malicious Accounts in Dating Apps Using a Content-Based Attention Network” get accepted in TDSC!
  • [9/2020] One paper titled “Stealing Links from Graph Neural Networks” got accepted in USENIX Security 2021!